Things on Walls Thing
Got something to say or to show? Then you'll get your chance at Oz-IA/2010!
What it is
Imagine a wicked combination of a Posters Session, Lightning Talks, and a Portfolio Gallery. That’s what we’re doing.
It works like this: if you have an idea or cause or a persuasive argument or a rant or something nifty you want others to know about, then design it up into a poster and we’ve got a whole space at the conference venue to display these. We’ve set aside time in the program for participants to talk about their poster, so imagine them as lightning talks with a prop. You can let your poster do all your talking for you if you’re shy.
Unlike the fast pace of a slide show or verbal presentation, a Poster Session allows viewers to study and restudy your information over the course of the conference and discuss it with you one on one.
What to submit
The types of things we’re looking for are posters explaining research you’ve done, or a concept you are exploring, your explanation of a little known technique or method you’ve recently mastered, some IA related cause you think needs more attention, and maybe even a portfolio of nifty work you’ve done if you’re looking for work (or just looking to show off).
The purpose of this poster session is to provide tangible evidence to our peers of the work we do, to facilitate sharing of techniques and styles, to spark conversations, and to see concrete examples of the quality of work product our industry is being producing.
Don’t worry, we’ll handle the printing and mounting for your poster. Just send us a glorious PDF of up to A1 in size and we’ll handle the rest.
Prizes and more…
Rosenfeld Media are sponsoring this Things-On-Walls-Thing: the first 14 participants will receive one of their excellent books, and there’s also a further complete 7-book prize pack for whoever has the most awesome poster. Judging will occur at the conference, by attendees.
Submissions so far
No submissions just yet (it’s early days), but there has been a couple of ideas & concepts proposed so far …
- Sketchnoting – a showcase and top tips on how to do it yourself
- Making personas more useful with profile tables
- How to read dendrograms. Dendro-what??
- Some site-maps/flow-maps showcasing an evolved diagramming style
- What has [a major news media group] been up to lately
- An artist’s humble rendering of Keyboard Cat riding a Rainbow Unicorn. With bacon.
How to get involved…
Just get started with your poster. You don’t need to submit a proposal or anything complicated like that ... but of course we’re more than happy to discuss your idea with you if it helps firm it up in you mind.
Print it to a PDF, preferably without any funky font requirements, and email it to