Community Data Models for Humanitarian & Development Work
Advanced Session, presented by Shoaib Burq.
During the Haiti January 2010 Earthquake the OpenStreetMap community mapped the country in less than 2 weeks with the aid of a community information schema developed through evolution and online consensus. After the dust had settled and the work changed from emergency response to reconstruction this data needs to be mapped to more formal international schemas from development agencies such as the World Bank and the UN. I will discuss the folksonomy and transformation into formal schemas.
Shoaib Burq
has worked in Marine Geoscience and Petroleum sector over the
last 3 years. He has over 5 years experience working in the marine and
spatial information science industry. He has an honors degree in
Computer Science and Geomatic Engineering from the University of
Melbourne. He is also a founding board member of the Open Source
Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) Aus-NZ Chapter.
Currently he serves as a coordinator on the Canberra based GIS volunteer core called Mapping and Planning Support (MAPS) which provides mapping assistance to State and Federal emergency agencies during natural disasters. He loves his work which combines his passion for technology and the great out-doors.
You can find him blogging at his company blog, and on twitter as @sabman.